Landlords want to keep their tenants happy because satisfied renters are more likely to renew their leases and rental agreements, take good care of the property, and report maintenance issues promptly.
This makes property management easier and helps maintain the home's condition. Plus, when happy tenants move out, they often provide great referrals, helping you find reliable new renters faster.
Another great way to keep tenants happy is by ensuring they feel at home in their rented living space. A simple way to do this is by allowing tenants to paint and customize the rental unit.
However, it’s important to be mindful of the risks, such as increased turnover costs and reduced property appeal. In this guide, the experts at KRS Holdings will explain the pros and cons of letting tenants paint your rental unit. Let’s dive in!
Why You Shouldn't Allow Tenants to Paint
Property customization can be a difficult topic for landlords. Landlords are often wary of tenant-led modifications because they may cause property damage, violate building codes, or lower the unit’s value.
Even a simple paint job can result in the following problems:
Reduced Property Appeal: Every tenant has their own preferences. Your current may want to go with bold or unconventional colors that may not appeal to other renters. Repainting the walls after they move out can result in increased turnover costs and more time between tenancies.
Poor Paint Jobs: If your tenants want to save money by painting the walls themselves or hiring a cheap contractor, it is not ideal. They can accidentally paint over fixtures, like trim or outlets, causing serious cosmetic damage.
Increased Maintenance Costs: If you don’t like the colors tenants choose or aren’t happy with the quality of the job, you’ll have to repaint. Restoring the walls to their original color and condition will increase your maintenance costs, as you’ll have to invest in primer, paint, brushes and other tools.
Landlord-Tenant Disputes: When you allow tenants to paint the rental unit, it’s harder to control the changes made and ensure everything is up to standard. Lack of communication can lead to disputes regarding the modifications made.
Why You Should Allow Tenants to Paint
Bad paint jobs can be hard to deal with. However, the price may be worth it.
Allowing tenants to paint your rental property comes with the following benefits:
Improved Property Appeal: A fresh coat of paint can significantly boost the curb appeal of your rental property. If tenants choose neutral and modern colors, and do a good job, they’ll increase the appeal of your property, making it much more attractive to future renters.
Increased Tenant Retention Rates: Allowing tenants to paint and customize the rental unit will make them feel more at home. Tenants who are happy and comfortable in their rented living space, are more likely to care for the unit and renew their leases.
Reduced Maintenance Costs: Tenants who take the time to paint the unit they’re renting feel a bigger sense of ownership. This means they’re more likely to take good care of the property and inform you of any maintenance issues or repairs that may come up.
Improved Landlord Reputation: Trying to make tenants feel more at home by letting them customize the rental unit won’t go unnoticed. Being an attentive and accommodating landlord can significantly boost your reputation.
How to Protect Your Rental
Allowing tenants to paint your rental unit can help you boost the property’s appeal and retain tenants for longer.
However, you must take some precautions to protect your investment. Here are some key tips to minimize the risks:
Set Clear Guidelines in the Lease: Include a clause in the lease agreement specifying whether tenants can paint the unit. Make sure to specify the allowed colors, requisites for painting, and whether tenants must restore the original color before moving out.
Pre-Approve Colors: Limit tenants to a selection of neutral, easy-to-cover colors to prevent drastic changes that may affect the property’s appeal.
Require Written Permission: Have tenants submit a formal request before painting. This ensures they understand and agree to the terms before making any changes.
Specify Painting Standards: Require tenants to use quality paint and proper techniques to avoid sloppy work, uneven coats, or paint spills that could damage floors, trim, or fixtures.
Inspect the Unit Before and After Painting: Conduct property inspections before and after painting to ensure no damage is done and that walls are properly prepped and finished.
Hold a Security Deposit for Repairs: Make it clear that if the paint job is poorly done or tenants fail to repaint upon move-out, the cost of repainting will be deducted from the security deposit.
Provide Approved Supplies: To minimize damage, you can provide tenants with specific paint brands, finishes, and protective materials like painter’s tape and drop cloths.
Bottom Line
Actively working to make tenants feel at home in their rental units can result in longer tenancies, fewer disputes, and a better rental experience for both parties. Allowing tenants to paint the unit can make them feel more happy and responsible for the space.
However, a bad paint job can be costly to deal with. By setting clear guidelines, pre-approving colors, and inspecting the unit before and after the painting process, you can keep tenants happy without compromising the value and appeal of your property.
Need help inspecting your property or supervising tenants during the painting process? Contact KRS Holdings to learn how we can help you!